Net asset value
Performance YTD
No Data Found
Risk level (4/7)
71 M€
(to 12-31-2024)
Data at 06/02/2025
Kirao Smallcaps is an equity fund, eligible for the PEA, invested in small and medium-sized stocks in the euro zone. The management of the KIRAO Smallcaps fund is carried out according to a rigorous fundamental analysis process. Strategic and financial analysis is largely done in-house. It is written, archived, includes financial forecast modeling and valuation. The analysis of the stock market context completes this process.
Past performance is not indicative of future performance and is not constant over time. The fund and the indices are calculated with dividends reinvested. The performance of the fund is calculated net of management fees. This fund is not capital guaranteed. Before any subscription, the investor must read the DICI and the Prospectus of the UCITS.
- Name: Kirao Smallcaps - AC
- Manager : Saad Benlamine
- ISIN : FR0012633311
- Bloomberg ticker: KIRSCI2
- Currency : EUR
- Legal form: FCP
- AMF classification : Equities from countries in the Euro zone
- Index: CAC Small NR
- SFDR Classification: Article 8
- Risk profile: 4 out of 7
- Recommended investment period: 5 years
- Creation date : 15/04/2015
- Eligibility: PEA
- Valuation : Daily
- Custodian: Crédit Industriel et Commercial (CIC)
- Closing date of the financial year: 'Last trading day of June
documents to download
- Entry fee : 1% max
- Exit fees: None
- Fixed management fee (incl. VAT): 2.35
- Variable management fees (incl. VAT): 20%*.
- Transaction fees: none
* Above the performance of the CAC Small NR index, provided that the annual performance of the FCF is above the high water mark
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